Here is the new GSM points test, will be using from 1 July 2011. There are exception, please see my previous blog.
- No point for occupation
- Age 18-24, got 25 points
- Age 25-32, got 30 points
- Age 33-39, got 25 points
- Age 40-44, got 15 points
- Age 45-49, no point but still eligible to apply... :)
- English language, IELTS result 6 (6 x 4), got no point
- English language, IELTS result 7 (7 x 4), got 10 points
- English language, IELTS result 8 (8 x 4), got 20 points
- Australian employment, 1 year in the past 2 years before application, got 5 points
- Australian employment, 3 years in the past 5 years before application, got 10 points
- Australian employment, 5 years in the past 7 years before application, got 15 points
- Overseas employment, 3 years in the past 5 years before application, got 5 points
- Overseas employment, 5 years in the past 7 years before application, got 10 points
- Overseas employment, 8 years in the past 10 years before application, got 15 points
- Professional year, got 5 points
- Australian PhD or overseas PhD, got 20 points
- Australian Bachelor degree, or Bachelor + Masters/Honours, got 15 points
- Overseas Bachelor degree, or Bachelor + Masters/Honours, got 15 points
- Australian Diploma, got 10 points
- Australian Certificate III/IV, got 10 points
- Offshore apprenticeship, got 10 points
- Australian study requirement (2 years), got 5 points
- Community language skills, got 5 points
- Regional study, got 5 points
- Partner skills, got 5 points
- State or Territory Nomination, got 5 points
- Designated area sponsorship, got 5 points
The pass mark is 65