While doing your own immigration application is possible, whenever you engage a professional to represent you on an Australia migration matter, please ensure that your representative has a MARN; Migration Agents Registration Number. It is mandatory for all migration professionals to have MARN from MARA and it needs to be renewed yearly. That is to ensure the standard and up to date knowledge as the Australian migration law is extremely dynamic and keeps changing all the time. Usually after the election, whenever there is changing in govern party, the legislation can go either way. Or even, within the same government but if there are changes or ministry shuffle, they can have some impact on the Australian migration law as well.

While offshore an Australian migration law practitioner does not need to hold a MARN, all onshore Australian migration law practitioner need to have a valid MARN. Otherwise, it is unlawful to give Australian migration law advice.

Therefore, whenever you engage someone for services, please check their business card, website and all marketing materials to ensure that they have a valid MARN. It is part of our code of conduct to make our MARN visible in all marketing material.

Once you know that you are dealing with a professional who has a MARN, more or less you are in good and competent hands.

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