Check your visa conditions to see if you are eligible to apply visa onshore

Understand that many people come to Australia with different types and categories of visas. Eventually lots of people want to renew and extend their stay. In order for people to apply for another visa or renew their visa while they are in Australia (apply onshore), they need to ensure that their existing visa does not have any conditions that prohibit them to apply onshore.

Visa conditions 8503 is a "No further stay" condition. That means the visa applicants are not allowed to apply for another visa while they are in Australia. There are only a few exemptions!!

So, before you even think about applying for another visa, please check your visa grant notice whether or not you have that visa condition; 8503. It is easy to check.

If you don't know how to do that, please feel free to contact "J Migration Team", we love to help.

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